Friday, May 31, 2013

And so the travels begin...

I am currently sitting in an airport in Seoul, South Korea, awaiting to board my final plane going to Ulan Bator. I'm happy I have finally made it thus far. I'm not too sure what to expect but I am not setting any expectations for myself. I know it will be a rewarding experience no matter what. The traveling has been a bit difficult. It is difficult for various reason. One reason is luggage! Being that I packed my life into two suitcases, it was hard for someone as small as myself to lug around such heavy bags. Another difficulty has been the time spent traveling. It has taken us approximately 24 hours to get to where are. None the less, the difficulties do not outweigh the joy of finally being able to see, smell, taste, hear, and feel the new land that I will be calling my home for the next 27 months.

I'm already creating little scenarios in my head of the adventures that I am going to be taking. I cannot wait to emerge into this culture and serve such a beautiful and historical country. The jetlag hasn't kicked in yet but I'm pretty sure it will pretty soon. By the time we arrive to the capital of Mongolia it will be around midnight. I left Washington D.C. at 4:30 AM Thursday, May 30th and I will not be arriving until Saturday, June 1st. It is all worth it now because my journey is only now beginning. I am going to make my mom, friends, and my country proud!


  1. It's Friday and I could hardly wait to log on to read what you wrote so far... I am so excited for you. Happy Adventures :-D

  2. Have fun Olivia and enjoy the new adventure

  3. thank you Eric! I hope all is well.
